Meet Baxter at SSAI 2019 in Copenhagen

Meet Baxter at SSAI 2019 in Copenhagen

SSAI 2019 will take place in Copenhagen on August 28-30 and the theme of this years’ congress is ‘Patient-centred Care’. Baxter will be present at the congress to discuss how patient-centred care gets further integrated into the way we view and design devices and therapies for the ICU. Visit our booth and explore our new PrisMax device and our approach to patient-centred innovation.

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Advancing Global Critical Care, One ICU at a Time

We know the demands of the ICU are complex, time-sensitive, and ever-changing. Workflows need be streamlined and therapies and systems made more efficient and effective to ensure you can provide your patients the best possible care.
At Baxter, we provide you ground-breaking, industry-leading innovations that optimize medication delivery, organ support and nutritional care. Our unique technologies are designed to simplify the complexity of delivering acute care, helping to reduce the nursing burden and enable you to deliver accurate and effective therapies confidently, with time left for patient care.

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Streamlining ICU Workflow with the PrisMax System

The innovative PrisMax system is designed with you and your patients in mind. Aiming to maximize the efficiency of therapy delivery and the quality of patient care, it enables you to provide your critically ill patients effective therapies tailored to their individual needs. It simplifies the complexities of therapy delivery by streamlining labour-intensive workflows and, in the process, helps to reduce nursing burden and free up time for patient care.1
Built on Baxter’s 20-plus years of experience innovating in critical care, the PrisMax system delivers high quality care with simplicity and accuracy and helps you address new challenges with confidence.